„couchtuner“ Google Drive The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Full Movie
Runtime - 2 hours 44 m;
Review - Batman is forced out of eight years of hiding when a ruthless mercenary called Bane takes control of Gotham's underworld, and makes plans to take over the whole city. With the help of the mysterious Selina Kyle and his butler Alfred, Bruce must protect the citizens of the beloved from their greatest threat yet;
Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan;
User Rating - 8,5 of 10;
I really don't understand the high ranking. The opening scene was pretty cool (if not a little bit confusing) and the last 15 minutes were interesting (if not equally confusing. There is a phenomenon in psychology about people making judgments about whole situations based solely on the beginnings and ends, so maybe that's why it gets a high ranking.
Poor script Poor editing Poor action sequences Poor acting (partially due to poor dialogue)
Most scenes were flat. When they wanted to raise the stakes and make the action rise, they just said whatever needed to be said to make it so. There was too much telling of the story, and not enough letting the story unfold. There was way too much talking. A movie is a story about pictures, and most of the time the characters stood around talking. Usually they were repeating things we already had been told in the film. You shouldn't have to mention something 4 times in a movie. Usually once is enough. (E.g. Catwoman needs the 'clean slate' Bain's mythology, etc. etc.) When action occurred, it seemed forced. Many times the action was delayed. Meaning, the next scene was set up for action, but then we had 2 or 3 more scenes that were pretty useless, usually repeating things we already knew, until we finally got to the action.
The characterizations were weird and inconsistent. The way it was written it was just about impossible to like any character in the movie. It's like they purposely set out to make everyone a dick. If that was their goal, they succeeded. I personally just wanted everyone to die already and end this film. Are the Nolan brothers each married and going through a divorce? Just a lot of angry dickish characters. Bain actually might have been the least dickish and most likable in the end. Haha.
At one point, Batman tells Catwoman, Hey, these aren't average criminals blah blah blah." Yes, that's fine, but then an hour later in the movie, Catwoman (referring to the same criminals) warns Batman "Hey, these aren't your average criminals." What the fuzz? There were many similar instances of this, of things not adding up/making sense. Lots of gaps in logic. And lots of repetition of plot points. Hence the reason I blame the editing.
Honestly, as I watched it, I was seriously doubting that the Nolan brothers made this film. I know they did, but this movie was just OFF. I'm convinced there is something to this. The Nolan brothers cannot be pleased with this final effort.
Go see it to see it, but you'd be better off re-watching The Dark Knight.